About Company

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Moepi Publishing is a software publishing hub that specialises in development languages that includes, PHP, Java, Javascripts, HTML, CSS, SQL, Jquery, xml, python and many others. We develop business information system such as mobile Apps, ticket, incident, query management system for our clients according to the clients’ requirements. Our team of consultants also specialise in project management, business analysis, multimedia, networking and support services. our strategy is to put and provide our clients with the latest technologies that will enable to compete and operate in the fourth industrial revolution. We provide industry focused business model to our clients with world class application services, and end-to-end managed outsource services. In the hardware space Moepi publishing is a reseller and business partner of HP, Lenovo and Dell.

Moepi publishing aims to assist with combatting the high unemployment rate in South Africa by providing ICT services through learners that are trained through Moepi Technology Institute which is a division of Moepi Publishing that specialises in ICT training that is aligned and accredited through QTCO and MICT SETA. Moepi Technology Institute is an ICT training academy that focuses on the development and delivery of an optimum training and education in the information, communication and technology (ICT) space. Once the individual learners have gone through theoretical training, learners are placed in Moepi Publishing where they apply theoretical knowledge acquired from the Moepi Technology Institute. Moepi Publishing provides individual learners with a practical environment to apply the new skills set acquired. Moepi publishing places the trained learners in real time projects, that allows them to not only get experience but to work with the latest technology within the ICT space. Moepi Publishing provides practical training to unemployed graduates, unskilled learners those with matric and high school dropouts, unemployed professionals (retrenched and contract ended) and adults with special needs (Autism, ADHD and learning difficulties) that have a passion for ICT, need to prepare and provided with needed skills and experience to enter or renter the job market.

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The objective of Moepi Publishing is to transfer knowledge and skills; and to develop a professional attitude in the learners and trainees whilst providing our clients with latest technology capability. The curriculum used in Moepi Technology Institute is developed in close consultation with the latest ICT industry trends and aligned with MICT Seta’s requirements. Moepi Technology Institute identifies trends and follow current developments in the ICT space and translate these into improvements and adjustments to the training courses and the introduction of new programmes. Responding to the requirements of a changing environment and new ICT eco system implies constantly redefining our academic programmes, reworking the contents in the light of the objectives, designing methods best suited to the individual needs of the trainees, and putting the identified new methods and ways of working into practise.

Our Team


Matau Andronica Ramapuputla(CEO)




Level 1 BBBEE


9 years of experience