developed BIBLE application that contains all South African languages
Tekete Management System
Tekete Management System involves working towards restoring regular operations or resolving a specific type of inquiry.
Tsakane-Charlott Clinic File Mnagement System
A system that will reduce the time that patients wait for retrieval of their files. System used essentially for the immediate and continuing care of patients.
Queue Management System
A system that manages queues and generate ticket number for the user. The system will issue out time and date the user arrived, it will eliminate crowd.
File Management System
A system that will enable healthcare organization record, manage and store patient’s information. The hospital administrator interact with the file system to create and delete files and for performing operations on files. The filing system first identify and locate the selected file before performing any operation.
Dilifi Management System
A system that streamlines time off requests for employees. Typically managed by human resources, an automated leave management system makes it easy to track, approve, or deny employee leave requests.